Monday, November 20, 2006


Came to work to enjoy the new paint job done over the weekend by the volunteers I mentioned. My office looks great! It's kind of a sea foam green with an accent wall of this deep hunter green. (I left the color cards at home and can't remember their actual names.) Anyway, I wore a green shirt today so that I could blend in.

I had some good conversation with friends over the weekend. One was with the saxophonist whose album I have featured on this blog in the past. We drank lots of wine and decided it was time for me to have another bonfire (smaller this time: a rug, more books and old papers, the pair of jeans I was wearing at the time). And I had a really meaningul talk with my landlords who are great at being supportive of me. Also, I went over to the home of a couple from church to have dinner with them and watch "Waiting for Guffman." The movie is so funny.

Oh, yeah. And I shaved my head completely bald.


Anonymous said...

Waiting for Guffman." The movie is so funny.
One of my favorite :-) Hey, you haven't answered my email about my invitation to go to a movie...Maybe I don't have friends :-((((

Dennis R. Plummer said...

Sorry. It got buried in a bunch of e-mail. Send again.

Anonymous said...

bald? any pictures? why? awesome! Only your head?

Anonymous said...

pics? b a l d ? why?

Dennis R. Plummer said...

yes, bald. because i was curious and since i've been tossing and burning and generally getting rid of some stuff, i naturally thought, "why not my hair,too?" just my head and eyebrows. folks are saying that i have the perfectly shaped head for it, that i look like some spiritual guru, like a mexican homeboy, chemo'll have to fill in your own since i don't have a camera. thus no pictures. sorry.

Anonymous said...

I would have said, "Keep up the good spirit. And your hair," but I guess it's too late now . . .
Waiting for Guffman . . . Could it be better than Waiting for Godot, which is extremely funny and slapstick as it is?
Suppose the talk with Susanna and Brian was about all the fires you've been having recently.

Matthias (Thinking of you often)

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