Monday, July 18, 2005

Where I'm Not

After a great week in NYC, I returned last night to Springfield, Illinois. I'm here for July and August as a consultant to The Autism Project.

However, I'm keeping my wonderful casita in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Here's a view of it from the front. I'm thinking of adding a couch on the porch to go for the white trash look.


jonathan said...

Dear Wynote,
I have a wonderful casita in Albuqueque too! But you know that. But did you know that I also refer to mine as a casita?

Anonymous said...

Comment très mexicain de vous.

Dennis R. Plummer said...

Just got this message:
"What the hell type of landlords do you have? That dump needs a facelift, even an extreeme makeover...."
The message came from my landlord.

Anonymous said...

Every time I have visited Dennis in Albuquerque his landlord and landlady were working on significant improvements to their own home, such as adding a roofed porch and a swimming pool, while letting their tenant slum in this abysmal hut, here euphemisitically referred to as a "casita." It's a disgrace!
Matthias, Dresden (Germany)

Dennis R. Plummer said...

I shall pass your sage words along to the powers that be. Who knows? Perhaps the next time your in town I shall a jacuzzi for you to enjoy. (I do remember something in my rental contract about a personal poolboy who has never materialized.) ;)

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