Friday, August 05, 2005

Still Reading

My sister-in-law gave me a book sent to me by her father titled Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian L. Weiss. I just finished it. Dr. Weiss is a well-credentialed psychologist (Yale, Columbia University, Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Miami) who experienced--and believed in the validity of--the past-life regressions of a patient.

I don't have much belief in past-lives. I question original orignation and why everyone originates with debts to pay. But I also wonder what I'll do if I encounter this in my practice. Fortunately, natal and pre-life regression are both electives in the course I'll be taking in the fall. It will take some time for me to discover my niche.

I did finish reading Transformational Therapy by Gil Boyne and Hypnotherapy by Danny Elman, both required reading for my certification as a clinical hypnotherapist. The Handbook of Brief Psychotherapy by Hypnoanalysis, authored by Dr. John Scott, Sr., is a selection of my own. I have about 50 pages to go in it. And then about $300 more worth of textbook reading. Thanks to Sharon of California for paying for my textbooks!!

No doubt there will be more to say about all of this reading and hypnosis as time progesses, linearly. And maybe you'll share a question or experience or two.

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