Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Things Aren't What They Seem

A sweet, white-haired little old lady let me cut in front of her today on the busy, construction clogged road to work. Further down the road, as I moved into the turning lane, I ended up behind her car. First, I noticed her license plate reading that this was the car of a veteran. Then, I was drawn to the plaster of veteran bumper stickers. One in particular:
How is it that a little old lady could take pleasure in a firey bomb that destroys everything? Why didn't her "Atomic Veteran" sticker show the naked, burning flesh of the young girl made famous in Life magazine as she fled the explosion?


Anonymous said...

Not so fast...Maybe she borrowed the car, maybe she had a change of heart, maybe she bought the car with the sticker on, and it wouldn't come off. Maybe we're too quick in judging others. Not everything is black and white.Maybe the atomic bom refers to her last orgasm . OUPS, did I say that?

Anonymous said...

Have to agree with odette about not jumping to conclusions too quickly. A search for "atomic veteran" on Yahoo brings up several pages detailing the plight of those vets who were exposed to radiation during nuclear testing. Seems to me like there is a better chance she hates the bomb than takes pleasure in it. Of course, you also are the only one that saw what surrounded this sticker.

Love the frequent posts!

Dennis R. Plummer said...

Surrounding stickers: "Veteran 'till I Die"; "Viva Bush!"; American Flag; "Support Our Troops" ribbon; "US Marines" sticker; few others I don't remember.

You decide. Or not.

BlueNight said...

Wasn't the naked burning girl from the napalming of Vietnam? Or is this a different naked burning girl? (I don't mean to be flip.)

Do you have a link to the photo?

Dennis R. Plummer said...

You are correct, but I don't have a link to the photo.

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