Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Last Call

Hummingbird visits to my feeders had dropped to nearly none before I realized that the New Mexican summer heat had fermented the sugary drink I had placed out for them.

Immediately after I changed the syrup, an aggressive hummingbird buzzed the feeder, tested it and flew off chattering wildly.

I don't know if it was excitement and he was telling others that at last there was something good to drink, or if he was swearing angrily about the bar being closed.


jonathan said...

Did I tell you I'm moving to Boise? I hope I find a place where I can put up bird feeders. Its difficult in a third floor loft in Chicago without a deck to feed non pigeons.

Dennis R. Plummer said...

Sounds like a good enough reason to me. What do you plan to do in Boise besides feed the birds? I hear there is good work in the spud industry.

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