Saturday, December 10, 2005

Capitalism Rethunk

I visited my friend Jill's blog today and read that she had purchased about 20 pounds of books. I love the concept of buying books by the pound. We had a garment shop in Cambridge, MA, that priced garments by how much they weighed.

Maybe the whole capitalist system would be enhanced by pricing things in a completely different way. Like:
  • the price of an orange would depend upon the density of its hue;
  • the price of gas would be based on how long you occupied your spot at the pump;
  • state and federal taxes would be levied in inverse proportion to the amount of time you volunteered in local and national politics.
Well, I'm off now to Santa Fe to see the film about Walmart. (I got the window replaced, so I won't freeze during the drive up.)


Anonymous said...

I've been to that place in Cambridge where you buy clothes like meat or produce. I remember having to be reminded not to eat the clothes. I am a little embarassed about that so I'll sign this anonymously.

jonathan said...

Is it the pro Walmart film or the other one?
I'm not embarassed about this so I'll sign in under my real name.
Akhzybum is the word ID this time. I had a terrible case of akhzybum when I was a baby.

Dennis R. Plummer said...

It was the "other one."
Did you know that it is little old ladies forced into labor in a frigid Siberian factory who create those ID words? Shocking. They only receive one bowl of soup and a crust of bread per day.

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