While in Tucson, we were fortunate to meet up with my friends Eric and Brian. (Eric and I shared an NLP class last fall.)
Eric is an honorary holy man of the Tohono Oòdham tribe (nation?...Eric, I'm probably not getting this right...you can correct in comments if need be). He joins them for the annual harvest of the sagauro fruit, which is then either dried or cooked down to an amazingly tasty molasses-like syrup. It is considered a sacred food and may only be given away--which Eric graciously did. We enjoyed some over ice cream at the end of our tea (see next paragraph) and Eric even sent me on my way with some to take home!

Eric and I share a love for tea, so we decided to meet up at
Seven Cups tea house
(see pic at right). Eric brought along a 1997 and a 1985 (!) puer tea. We sampled both, plus about five or six other teas. The girls, Anne and Nele, were patient enough while we sampled and talked for the afternoon. They did like the fancy tea cups for sale and Anne bought one to keep the rocks in that she had found earlier that day at the
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.
Meanwhile, back at home I continue to be a fan of
The NM Tea Co.. Currently, my stash of tea at home includes the following:
- Assam
- Lapsang Souchong
- Russian Carravan
- Sencha
- Green Bamboo
- High Mt. Green
- Gunpowder Green
- White Tip Oolong
- Jasmine Silver Needles
- Pomegranate Pai Mu Tan
- Mint & Lemon Gunpowder
- Jasmine Pearl
- Ginseng Oolong
- Honeybrush Cooler
- Huckleberry Black
- Valerian Root
- Flowering Display Tea
When not indulging in culinary delights, at work I am busy finishing a grant that is due on Monday, securing a $20,000 loan, overseeing a construction project, publishing a newsletter, organizing a fundraiser, etc. Not any more busy than anyone else, I suppose, so I won't bore you with all that.
That's all for now!