Sunday, February 05, 2006

Brokeback II

When I was in college, we had dormitories named after two famous Christian martyrs: Jim Elliot and Nate Saint. Recently, a Christian-made film, End of the Spear, has been released telling the story of Saint and his tragic death in the Amazon.

Interestingly enough, though, some Christian groups are boycotting the film, much as they did Brokeback Mountain. Why? Isn't it a Christian missionary story about reaching out to others in love? Well, yes. But the lead actor who plays Saint is gay and that's reason enough for some to believe that seeing the film is an evil they can't afford.

I wonder if the same folks will begin to check the sexual orientation of workers at McDonald's, Walmart and their telephone service providers.

(Source: MSNBC.)


Anonymous said...

and will they wear clothes by gay designers?

Anonymous said...

Why stop there ? How about having anything to do with anyone that is not a "reborn Christian" ?

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