Friday, January 27, 2006


From my current reading list (see sidebar for titles):
    A monk was being chased by a tiger. To escape, the monk lowered himself over a cliff on a long vine. Below, however, another tiger appeared. As he dangled between two deaths, several mice began chewing through the vine just above the monk's reach.

    Just then, the monk noticed a wild strawberry plant growing on the side of the cliff. He plucked a strawberry and placed in in his mouth. As the vine broke, carrying the monk to his death, he gave 100% of his attention to the taste and texture of the berry in his mouth. By maintaining his focus on the strawberry, he avoided letting his attention wonder onto the sensation of fangs and claws ripping into his body.
    (p. 12, Extreme Spirituality)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A poem by Guillaume Apollinaire"Come to the edge," he said . They said, "We are afraid." "Come to the edge," he said. They came. He pushed them...and they flew.

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