Sunday, January 01, 2006

Wild & Crazy Times

Oh, the raucous merriment of New Year's: blowout parties, flowing alcohol and silly stunts designed to add chaos to the festivities. Fortunately, my Mother had warned my guest that we were a crazy crowd and to expect anything:
  • We fried fish.
  • We sipped sodas.
  • We played cards.
  • We watched a movie.
  • We called it a night.
I doubt that he expected that. It was really fun, but my guest and I got a chuckle out of Mother's impression of what craziness looks like. Next year, I may try the wearing-the-lampshade routine, but I'll make sure she takes her heart medicine first!

To mark the beginning of a New Year, we shot off some fireworks: bottle rockets that zip up 20-30 feet into the air and then twinkle for a second or two. Now that kind of craziness is illegal in Virginia. Any firework that goes up into the air is illegal.

Earlier in the evening, we were blasting away with rifle and shotgun at clay skeet thrown to the sky. That's permitted by law. Bullets for the .22 theoretically can travel for a mile and a half, if not impeded.

I'm glad that the fireworks are illegal; it gave me more time to dodge incoming bullets from the neighbors who were also legally celebrating.

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